New Site

So I completely changed AntoArts.Com today. This was a much needed change, mostly because I do very different things from what I did when I originally created the site. The site was meant, in the beginning, to be a place to store my Flash games, something that I don’t even work on any more. I have moved to desktop application programming, and now at the moment I am moving to do more low-level, systems programming; that is just remotely related to Flash development.

The blog will be the main part of the site, and I will post things I am working on, as well as thoughts, mainly on programming, here. Otherwise, this site, as of now, contains links to the old flash games, and a photo gallery (photography is actually something I still do, and I have no plans at all to stop doing that). Things are a bit unfinished here at the moment, but browse and enjoy (NB there is not much to browse, or to enjoy). All pages but the frontpage of the old site are available from their old URLs. When this new site has matured a bit, I will redirect some of the old pages to the newer ones.

I think I was 12 when I started this site, now I am 15. This site haven’t been updated in roughly a year, so something was due to happen. This was it.

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